Tuesday 20 April 2021

Quick Announcement 2.0

Hello everyone, sorry to have gone quiet over the past little while! Unfortunately life happens. I would like to get back into the swing of writing stories, I hope I haven't gotten too rusty! For now, please enjoy the story below. Please let me know if there's anything you'd like to see more of in particular. Thanks for reading.


  1. Welcome back, Laplain!

    If I may voice my wishes, I'd love to see you do a post-transformation scenario with the focus on the m2bbw'd victim having a single opportunity to reverse the transformation (for example, finding the magic item/perpetrator that caused it or getting laid/not getting laid, etc), only to fail miserably as the time runs out. Bonus points if said failure is related to their weight, flatulence, or perhaps even some mental changes that came with the transformation.

    With that being said, I love all the great content you put out and look forward to whatever it is you come up with next.

    1. Thank you again!

      Thank you for the idea as well, I could always use more! I think scenarios like the one you listed are a whole lot of fun to read and write. I'm definitely going to keep this in mind while I think about more stories.

  2. I'm glad you're back! I'd personally love something related to someone who goes to the gym (either pre or post transformation) and getting humilliated there.
